As always, there are some EEOC cases that jump out at me when I review developments on that front. Below are a couple EEOC cases and settlements that caught my eye this month. Lawsuit Filed Against Chipotle for Sexual Harassment & Retaliation Earlier this month, a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit was filed against Chipotle. The lawsuit claims that a Tampa location service manager was sexually harassed by a coworker and was unlawfully terminated when a complaint was made. After the coworker made several suggestive comments to the manager, the conduct escalated to two sexual assaults in one day. While the prior harassment had already been reported to store management, the manager stated she planned to report the sexual assaults to corporate. Within three days, the manager was terminated. This alleged conduct, if true, is in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination based upon sex and retali...