As always, there are some EEOC cases that jump out at me when I review developments on that front. Below are a couple EEOC cases and settlements that stand out. Age Discrimination Suit Settled for $30,000.00 Against Llanerch Country Club Earlier this month, the EEOC announced a settlement had been reached with Llanerch Country Club ("LCC") after the employer agreed to pay $30,000.00 to settle an age discrimination lawsuit. The suit arose out of a claim that LCC began to treat its oldest groundskeeper in the grounds maintenance department differently than younger workers. LCC was apparently laying the oldest groundskeeper off during the winter season. As recently as December of 2016, the oldest groundskeeper was laid off for the winter but was later informed he would not be recalled or rehired in 2017 because LCC was "looking to take the staff in a younger direction". Less than three weeks later, LCC hired nine other groundskeepers that were si...