Here we are, late in the day on the 31st as I put the finishing touches on this post. As with any final post for the year, I wanted to note a few key developments over the past twelve months before we get to a few of the articles I wanted to highlight this week. There were some noteworthy developments at the local level, including Washington D.C. banning non-compete agreements , the West Hollywood City Council approving a premium pay ordinance for large grocery store employees , and Orange County (Florida) enacting a ban the box measure . Granted, at the statewide level, there were also a few key topics that came about over the past year, including Arizona amending the Arizona Civil Rights Act to provide workplace protections for pregnant workers in the state , Illinois adding a new section to the Illinois Human Rights Act that makes it a civil rights violation for an employer to use an individual’s criminal record in any employment decision unless one of two narrow exceptio...