Over the past few years, the emergence of E-Cigarettes in the workplace has become more common. The question that employers now face is how to handle employees that want to "vape" while at work. Employees often argue that since E-Cigarettes are not technically "cigarettes" per se, they should be allowed to use them at work. Other employees, often ones that do not use E-Cigarettes, complain that they should not be subjected to the E-Cigarettes, regardless of whether or not they are not as harmful as regular cigarettes. The question then becomes how does a company deal with the use of E-Cigarettes? However, not all companies agree on whether or not to allow their employees to use these E-Cigarettes: Exxon Mobile and McDonalds allow it, while CVS, Starbucks, and Wal-Mart all prohibit their employees from vaping. While many states ban smoking in the workplace, only three states (New Jersey, North Dakota, and Utah) have added E-...