Some of you may have read the Fifty Shades of Grey book or went to see the movie the past few weeks. I came across a rather timely article on the topic that I wanted to lead this "What I've Been Reading This Week" post with. I do want to suggest that employers be mindful that allowing employees to openly discuss this book and/or movie is a potential hostile work environment claim waiting to happen... As always, below are a few articles that caught my eye this week. Fifty Shades of Grey & the Workplace Suzanne Lucas has a good article on how the new Fifty Shades of Grey movie can lead to a sexual harassment lawsuit and what employers can do to head off the issue. For those who do not know, there are some rather "suggestive" parts of the book that may be appropriate for a book club discussion, but not fit for the workplace. Suzanne included a few ideas on what employers can do to limit potential liability when this topic is brought up ...